AZ for ChainSafe Audit

(Any views expressed in the below are the personal views of the author and should not form the basis for making investment decisions, nor be construed as a recommendation or advice to engage in investment transactions.)

@0x3639, in consultation with @romeo and @sumamu, hired the ChainSafe team to audit the Solidity bridge contract (bridge.sol). They proposed the following.

Estimate: 1 eng-week @ USD$20,000/week (Which includes their discounted rate)
Duration: 1 week
Start date: 24 April 2023

Note: Our service involves two auditors independently checking code before coming together to compare results and produce a report. We then give you the opportunity to fix changes, followed by the compilation of a final report after those changes are made.

After an extended back and forth with ChainSafe they agreed to a lower amount, however I'm subject to a confidentially agreement and cannot disclose the amounts or the exact terms of service publicly. However, if a Pillar wants to see more details DM me on the forum.

I offered to pay for the audit at an exchange rate of $1.20 USD / 1 $ZNN and $0.12 USD / 1 $QSR

We had an extended discussion on the forum about the audit and the community unanimously supported it.

In this discussion I gave other community members the ability to outbid me and lead the process. No one stepped up so I signed the contract. I had to form an LLC and sign an agreement on behalf of the project. Also, in the event the auditors find a critical bug, they charge more than $300 / hr to investigate it

I am requesting (2) AZs to reimburse my actual costs.

AZ#1 = $10,000 USD
3,333ZNN @ 1.20 = $4,000
50,000 QSR @ 0.12 = $6,000

AZ#2 = $10,000 USD
3,333ZNN @ 1.20 = $4,000
50,000 QSR @ 0.12 = $6,000

AZ1 + AZ2 = $20,000
$10,000 + $10,000 = $20,000

Once the work is complete and paid, I will determine the total costs including the LLC formation fees. I will disclose all my costs to Shai, George and Vilkris and request reimbursement of actual costs at the proposed exchange rates: ($1.20 USD / 1 $ZNN) and ($0.12 USD / 1 $QSR). If any other Pillar wants to see the actual costs, DM me on the forum.